A simple question I ask at the beginning of a session in workshops. The groups vary from college children to adults and often seniors. The answers astound me at times
· Ma’am I have not held clay ever in my life.
· I have never allowed my hands to dip in paint
· Paining my feet is unheard of. Can I even do it?
· Knitting well my grandmother did it
Why do I ask?
· I have no time
· Art is for children only adults don’t do it
· I stopped making art because I am not good
· I can’t draw so why bother
· I have work and family stress so have no time
· I am afraid
The answer is repeated almost all the time making us wonder about our education system and our society at large. Yes, as adults we are busy but are we busy I question that statement. Each of us spends an enormous time on social media scrolling endlessly meaninglessly. Hobbies are seen as something children do to keep busy. Photography is now selfies for the most part. One feels what I draw, or paint is not good enough, it is not perfect compared to what is flashed on social media. The result is that you never pick that brush or sketch. Some of us loved dancing as teenagers but now almost never do so because hey “I don’t know the right steps”. We never sing because our voices have no “Sur” or “Taal”.
Today I encourage everyone to indulge in a little art. Why do you ask? In the words of Maya Angelou, everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. We come from the Creator with creativity. I think that each one of us is born with creativity.
Art can take any form be in it dance, music, photography, gardening, drama, poetry, textiles, programming – anything! We all have our own unique dance and music. We need to learn to express it as that expression brings us peace and release. Art doesn’t have to be perfect for yourself alone.
The mediums of arts are versatile and each enriching in their own way. Clay is ubiquitous. It is uniquely durable and plastic. It is a substance sourced from the earth that has been manipulated in numerous ways and used for a variety of purposes for thousands of years. Elbrecht and Antcliff (2014) explain “Touch is the basis for secure attachment, linked to earliest body memories, to the ability to handle the world, to sexuality, and also to boundary violations and injuries” (p. 22). Through kinaesthetic sensations from joints and muscles during object manipulation, haptic senses help to perceive shape, weight, and hardness of such objects. The brain’s amygdala receives the somatosensory information which activates emotions through this experience (Lusebrink, 2004).
Finger painting provides unparalleled freedom of self-expression. There’s no limit to expression of feelings in this activity. All one needs to do is go all out and put all their feelings on a piece of paper by dipping their fingers in paint. While painting, one may subconsciously choose colours that reflect your emotion. For example, you may select the colour red to express your anger or green to express hope. You may make big or small marks. You may pour in a large space or a small space. As you put your emotions on paper, you are likely to feel relieved and rejuvenated. Feeling the paint in your hand or feet will bring about emotions you never thought existed. It is a tactile touch.
Similarly, knitting can keep joints nimble as we age. It is a great way to connect to people. Think of the sweater you received as gifts. Each winter when I go through my wardrobe, I run my hand off the scarves and cap my mother left behind. My eyes moist as I think of my mother knitting lovingly hours on end long after her body is gone
Zen tangle and Mandala arts are fun and healing in creative expression and takes one to a zen mental space. Anyone in any age group can make them. They help children and adults enhancing concentration, developing coordination and psychomotor skills. They improve creative expression as each mandala is unique in terms of its shape, colours, and image. Most important they promote mindfulness to bring in a feeling of peace and tranquillity
The possibilities with art are endless. From photography to collaging. Dancing to Samba or singing in our bathroom. When we engage in arts our mind space shifts. I state this unequivocally having watched transformation happen in my workshops. Seniors start painting mandala, and the room becomes quite each person drawn inside, kids making graffiti art expressing pain and hurt, workplaces transformed by collective clay work or joint hand movements
The idea is to start now and stop judging yourself. Start now before it is never too late to begin. As my Ma Pantki puts it Art is freedom, Art is soul, Art is expression, Art is transformation, Art is Joy, Art is harmony, Art is energy, Art is empathy, Art is…Art is a very strong and powerful tool to connect with your true self. When you are involved with an art, you are connected to yourself. You are one with the moments you are in. Be it pouring paint on paper, moving your body and dancing, playing an instrument, singing.... The list is long.
My offerings- Art Therapist Monica
1. Children Monthly Art Camp- Rs 2000 – Online and offline mode- 8 hours per week
Children will be introduced to free expression paining, mandala and zentangle art, Rock painting
2. One to One Counselling – Anxiety, Stress Management, Grief, and Relationship Issues
3. Art Therapy Workshops – Mental Health, Creativity, Team Building and Conflict Resolutions
Email: Monicakapur108@gmail.com; Phone: 9650743338