The billowing god “Ganesha” is famous for his elephant ears. Prayers and wishes are whispered in his ears all year round. Children leave letters for Santa and ask that their wishes be fulfilled for Christmas. We trek to distant mountains or undertake pilgrimages to ask for blessings for ourselves and others. The bottom line “God must listen to us “.
99% of all humans have selective hearing. We all like to hear messages which are nice, in alignment with our thinking and judgments and which make us feel better. The easiest way to see this is when performance appraisals happen every year. Most of us don’t like managers who criticize us even slightly. Family disputes heat up mostly because one side refuses to hear the other. Go deeper! We would see that most of us like to move in similar social settings ranging from society lunches, high tea’s to Panchayat meetings, board rooms or Dharnas. Why? Well, because we will hear the same messages which are in alignment with our beliefs and judgments.
“Yes”, the gods hear us! But to hear their answers we need active listening and open ears. This involves moving beyond our comfort zone. Most important it involves silence, awareness and complete surrender to the divine or to the person you are in conversation with.

I would go further to say that if we open our ears completely, we don’t need divine intervention. Our being itself will be divine. Watch the universe -- it always listens and responds.
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