Planet Earth, is a good learning school, a school where we are given opportunities again and again to change our ways of being, and for our patterns to evolve. For this to occur our lives are often shaken at times. The precursor could be difficult situations at work, a long illness of a family member, loan payments, marriage of our children, etc
What do we do when faced with these? “Worry”, “Worry”, “Worry “, “Worry”.
Worry is translated in the form of unimaginable scenarios of disaster, insomnia, sleeping pills and of course, stress. When extreme, a breakdown also can and does happen for a few people. In effect like a traffic jam, our life stops.
Our focus should not be that life should not give us new situations to evolve, rather we need to learn how to deal with these situations.
Next time you are worried, try this:
Create a best case and worst case scenario related to any issue in your life.
Now imagine the worst case scenario. Imagine it completely; bring out the key players, the emotions. Imagine it as a ball growing in size, becoming bigger and bigger. Make is as big as you can. Does it cover your home, your city, country, and the universe?
See how far can it grow.
Try, for it’s important.
What would mostly happen is that the fear will dissipate at a certain point; it would rarely be as big as our imagination. Breathe now quietly for some time. Again bring the fear in front of you and all characters and issues related to it. Breathe quietly for few breaths.
Repeat this pattern over and over again till it’s gone. Repeat the fear scenario again. Be with it and repeat the breathing exercise.

Photo credit : Telegraph online