Total 24 hours in a cycle of a day. How did you spend it? Shopping, cooking, household chores, work, driving, working out, the list goes on and on. Busy world, busy times!
In the whirlpool of your day-to-day activities, did you pause even for a minute to see if you could help someone somewhere? Making a difference is not always about the big things like donating a million dollars to a educational institution or discovering a cure for cancer, it is the small things that count.
Giving your seat to an elderly person or someone who needs it more than you during the train ride home, picking up trash while jogging, smiling at a complete stranger, listening to someone vent their troubles are but small examples of making a difference. The key is to look beyond yourself and your own needs.
Each day the universe will present you with countless opportunities to help someone. If you respond to the opportunity, it is a sign of your being present in that moment in time. After all, it was but the kindness of strangers which helped some Jews to escape during the holocaust or ensured that bruised people were taken home during the Mumbai blasts. The difference made by one nun led to the mammoth organization we all respect today called the Missionaries of Charity.
Do your bit everyday!