The 21st century workplaces are marked by the growing intensity of workload, constant stress, competitive work cultures, difficulties in maintaining work life balance. The result is mental health issues ranging from stress to deep depression. The focus of wellbeing in workplaces is often on the physical aspect of health i.e., ergonomic chairs, Fitbit and Apple watches, yoga classes and gymnasiums. Mental health is now taking predominance but what is neglected is the creative medium role at work to manage employee experience, wellbeing, and health.
This is where art therapy comes in. Why art? Across millennia people have turned to art to express themselves. Think of the majestic caves of Ajanta and Ellora, the mandala’s made by the Buddhist monks, the simple Kolam made by most south Indian households or the dhols that beat on Baisakhi or drumming in Africa. Art allows us to express what cannot be expressed by speaking.
What does research say about the benefits of Art therapy?
Art Therapy reduces Stress
In numerous research studies it has been demonstrated that Cortisol level reduces post an art therapy session. These findings suggest that art therapy for employees is a preventive measure for a person to understand stress situations, manage anxiety and cope with stress thus improving the quality of life by creative means
Art affects our brain activity
As per the International Art + Mind lab, at John Hopkins university, because the brain is agile, exposure to arts of all kinds fosters interconnectivity across a vast and complex network populated by hundreds of billions of neurons, influencing how we process and perceive creative experiences. The brain systems that engage with reward, motor activity, perception, and the senses are stimulated by art in ways unmatched by anything else.
Art activities help in Recalling Information
A study published in the Journal of applied cognitive Psychology states that doodlers find it easier to recall dull information (29% more) than non-doodlers, because the later are more likely to daydream
How can corporations incorporate Art Therapy in their work?
The office spaces
Does your office have plain blank walls? Create naturescapes or put a piece of still art, abstract or a sculpture in a strategic location. Why? Art stimulates the brain to make sense of the visual information it is receiving. Professor Semir Zeki, chair in neuroaesthetics at University College London, in an experiment found that when people were exposed to a series of paintings there is a strong activity in the brain related. "The blood flow increases for a beautiful painting just as it increases when you look at somebody you love. It tells us art induces a feel-good sensation directly to the brain." The art and the way we perceive it also becomes a talking point of conversation and encourages communication. Can’t afford art? Why not have an Art exhibit of things created by your own employees once a year
Free expression Room
How Whyte, author of The Heart Aroused, contends we underestimate the drama of the workplace: The inherited language in the work world is far too small for the kind of mythic drama that occurs there every day; we need a language commensurate with the drama of work. I do think that most companies are like Shakespeare’s plays, written large with dramatic entrances and exits, midnight assassinations, noble speeches while the grave diggers are telling it as it is, and every epoch ends with a lot of blood on the floor.
Having a dedicated space to release everyday tension that builds up is a great way to recharge. Have the walls of the room covered with newspapers with paint and crayon on display. Employees can write, paint and release what they need. Drums can be placed in company for people to make music or jam. Low volume music can be played to change the energy. Even a 15 minute in such an inspiring environment can make one feel relaxed and recharged. Don’t have space to do it once a quarter in one of the meeting rooms.
Creative problem solving
Stuck in finding solutions. Why not tackle the problem with paper, pen, paint, and sculpting followed by reflection and dialogue. Paying attention to details, patterns, making meaning and discovering new insights all help into getting into deeper layers often not expressed.
Team Building and Conflict Management
Bored with good old PowerPoint slides which state how we manage a team or conflict. An immersive activity with art can facilitate collaboration and accelerates the ability to get to the heart of a problem. Asking teams to work on an art project together is a great way of building bonds. You learn what ways you communicate are working for your team or not, how team members view each other’s role and how differently we see things, not to mention bonding.
In most team building workshops, I do shadow work to illustrate how what we perceive in others is most often also a part of us. Through art, we can make it safe to ask the deeper questions that lead to the emotional truth about a situation Another great way to understand team dynamics and find solutions is theatre. Create office stories to highlight conflicts in the team and brainstorm solutions in a fun way.
Mental health, Work life balance and self-care
Art allows us to express what cannot be often spoken. In many workshops when we do body mapping as a grounding exercise. It helps participants realize that what is in the mind will find its way in the body. A simple clay sculpture of stress can help someone share what they have been holding and what they were not even willing to acknowledge to even themselves. In a workshop for I did an attendee made a clay candle, and his explanation was that he is being burnt at both ends and one day will extinguish if he doesn’t pay attention to his needs. Poignant but true. Art therapy usually focuses on the art process rather than the final form. How you feel while making your art and what you learn about yourself is the most important thing.
Work life balance, divide your life as small elements on a pie chart or paper plates and then see what is happening in your life. This would also mean a willingness to investigate areas where we are afraid to look the most. Think how our past shadows our present, how we react to the same patterns again and again and how difficult we find to delegate, say NO, or ask for help
Self-care in the form of painting, dancing alone, playing an instrument or journaling all help you relax and find your inner grounding
Plan an appreciation day where each person will create something for another with hands, be it a doodle or a simple sentence of calligraphy or a painting on a stone. What better way to show that you are loved?
Hope you enjoyed this article.
Do contact me for Art therapy workshops to transform your workplaces. Some topics I train are listed below
· Leadership insights and new perspectives
· Inspiring Creativity & Innovation
· Resilience, Flourishing & Well-being
· Collaboration, teamwork, and Conflict Management
· Self-care and mental health
· Work life Balance
· Stress and Anxiety
· EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique
Email: Monicakapur108@gmail.com; Phone: 9650743338